Journal of Dali University

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Review of Jingpo Nationality's Epic Munaujaiwa

Xu Junliu   

  1. College of Chinese Language and Literature, Yunnan Normal University
  • Received:2016-12-09 Revised:2017-01-03 Online:2017-03-15 Published:2017-03-15

Abstract: Munaujaiwa is a classic folk literature and ethnic art classics of Jingpo nationality, is also the common historical memory
of Jingpo people. Being selected in the National Intangible Cultural Heritage List, it plays a very important role in the traditional
culture and art, whose role of commitment cannot be replaced in the national identity, ethnic identity, group identity and religious
identity. At present, the research results of Munaujaiwa is rear with only one book and a small amount of paper focusing on a certain
angle or a part of the Munaujaiwa. So far, the research on Munaujaiwa has not formed a comprehensive and overall state, let alone
specific research methods. Therefore, Munaujaiwa left more research space waiting to be developed and explored.

Key words: Jingpo nationality, epic, Munaujaiwa, review